Free delivery (per case) to NS, NB, PEI • $25 to NL, QC, ON • $30 to MB, SK, AB, BC, YT, NT • $85 to NU Prices shown include bottle deposit & taxes

Our Wine

Tidal Bay 24 x 250ml Taster Case

250 mL × 24
Devonian Coast
Gaspereau Vineyards
Jost Vineyards
Mercator Vineyards

Just $149.99 ~ Regularly $166

Kick spring off with this 24x 250ml case filled with eight each of our three Tidal Bays in 250ml cans. Includes Jost, Gaspereau and Mercator Vineyards Tidal Bay.

Mercator Connoisseur Case

750 mL × 12
Mercator Vineyards

Just $249.99 ~ Regularly $286.28

This collection is perfect for the wine connoisseur interested in exploring artisanal small lot wines created with an emphasis on originality and the new interpretation of old world wine styles.

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